weather-"dashboard" for CCCamp 2023

Here are some graphs showing the collected data:
List of possible SENSORID values:
74temperature (in °C)
75relative humidity (in %)
76barometric pressure (in hPa)
78wind direction (where the wind is coming from, in ° deviating from north, i.e. 0.0 == North, 90.0 == East, 180.0 == South, 270.0 == West)
79wind speed (in m/s)
80battery voltage (in V)
81precipitation in the last minute (in mm/min)
82particulate matter <=1.0 µm (in µg/m³)
83particulate matter <=2.5 µm (in µg/m³)
84particulate matter <=4.0 µm (in µg/m³)
85particulate matter <=10.0 µm (in µg/m³)
86UV index (-) (this is not calibrated, and due to the low quality sensor, it is probably wayyyyyyyy off)
87Ambient Light (lux) (this is not calibrated, and due to the low quality sensor, it is probably way off)